Saturday, 27 February 2016

January February in Oust-Marest

Temperatures (°C) at 9 am (blue cross) and 2 pm (red cross)
First time that we need to go below zero !

Millimeters of rain in January - February

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Head in the clouds - Carnival Parade - Portugal

In Alegrete Portalegre – Portugal, our Primary School commemorated Carnival with a Parade about "Head in the Clouds" Erasmus+ Project. Students, teachers and parents worked at home and in classes, dressing as umbrellas,  clouds and rain drops and also snowman-girl. :-)

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Head in the clouds corner in Dobele Primary School

Workshop for teachers in Dobeele Primary School


Meeting in Dobele Primary School

On Tuesday, students and teachers met meteorologist and weather forecaster from Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre.
Every class presented one meteorological instrument, asked questions and learned about weather.


Fourth grade learned about clouds.

And tried to make a cloud:

1. Fill an empty jar or vase  full with water. (This is Air)
2. Add some shaving cream to the top of the jar. (These are the Clouds)
3. Take  food coloring and  drip it on top of the “Clouds”. When the water builds up in the clouds, it has to fall down.
4. Watch as the green food coloring drips through the shaving cream.
5. Watch the “rain” go into the “air” – it is now raining!

Project Week in Dobele Primary School

During the Project Week our students made some meteorological instruments:




                                                                        WIND VANE




                                                                       RAIN GAUGE

                                      GUIDE TO IDENTIFY CLOUD TYPES OUTSIDE