Monday, 30 May 2016
Sunday, 29 May 2016
Clouds and extreme weather phenomena
Project: Head in the Clouds
Implementation activities: 9. 5. -
13. 5. 2016
Age of pupils: 4 – 6 let
Mentor: Nuša Križnik
ü Talk about weather, clouds, extreme
weather phenomena
ü Making
weather calendar
ü See
the extreme weather
phenomena on youtube
ü Performed measurements - 1. measurement
ü Called clouds, make table
ü Predict the weather, occupation
ü Making weather puppets
üPlay weather fairytale
üObserving clouds
ü Play weather fairytale
ü Observing clouds, naming clouds
ü Painting clouds
ü Creative
dance: imitation weather phenomenons (Four Seasons, A. Vivaldi)
ü Prepared
ü Performed
measurements - 2. Measurement
1. Making weather calendar: pupils
painted different weather situation on the cards and they put the cards in the calendar
every day.
we are gonna do? Pupils has decided, that they gonna make weather puppets and
play weather story. They created the sun, the clouds, the rainbow, the rain,
the tornado, the wind …
poster about extreme weather phenomena:
pupils painting, what they know.
the story about weather
clouds and extreme weather phenomena
1. Which clouds do you know?
1. Measurment: 1 (9.5.)
2. Measurment: 4 (13.5.)
extreme weather phenomena do you know?
1. Measurment – 4 (9.5.)
2. Measurment – 10 (13.5.)
The pupils liked to talk about weather, clouds and extreme
weather phenomena. Pupils learned that we know differend clouds and that the
clouds has names. The names ware very interesting to them.
When i asked them if they know the name of the clouds, they
had know one. In the end of the week, they know four.
When i asked them if they know any extreme weather phenomena,
they know tornado, hail, storm and flood. On the end of the week they know 10
e. w. phenomena (tornado, storm, flood, hail, sleet, lightning,avalanche,
drought, earthquake, hurricane.
Activites in Slovenia - may
Nature is a
topic from the curriculum with which children's capacities for active
cooperation and inclusion into our surrounding physical and social environment
are regularly being developed. We put the majority of focus onto acquiring
plenty experiences with living beings, natural phenomena and joy in exploration
and new discoveries.
Weather is a
natural phenomena that takes place in the atmosphere. The four- and
five-year-olds have however brought a part of the weather wonders into our
classroom. We recreated the conditions in which clouds occur – in a jar no
less! Glass jars were the location where clouds formed and children observed
processes of cooling and condensation and were amazed by the formation of
little clouds.
We previously
observed clouds in the sky, commented on them in videos and listened to an Eric Carle story Little Cloud. With hands-on experiences
children got to know the physical environment that surrounds us all.
Narava je
posebno področje, v okviru katerega razvijamo otrokove sposobnosti za dejavno
vključevanje v obdajajoče fizično in družbeno okolje. Poudarek je na
pridobivanju izkušenj z živimi bitji, naravnimi pojavi ter veselju v
raziskovanju in odkrivanju. Področje postopno razvija naravoslovne pojme preko
nezavednih procesov.
Vreme je pojav,
ki se dogaja v atmosferi, v oddelku 4-5 let vrtca Tabor pa smo delček
vremenskih pojavov prenesli v igralnico. Poustvarili smo pogoje za nastajanje
oblakov. V steklenih loncih so otroci opazovali procesa ohlajanja in kondenzacij
ter se čudili ob nastajanju majhnih oblakov v kozarcu.
Oblake smo
opazovali na nebu, na posnetku in v zgodbi Erica Carla Little Cloud ter tako na konkreten način spoznavali fizično okolje,
ki nas obdaja.
Friday, 20 May 2016
Friday, 13 May 2016
Visit of a science centre in Maribor, Slovenia
Some of our pupils, who are intrested in meteorolgy, visited the science centre in Maribor.
What is Center of experiments Maribor? With testing and learning about our interactive experiments, participating in workshops, experimental workshops and technical days you will learn about natural, mathematical and other laws. Science is exciting and educational fun for everyone: children, youth, adults and families. With the travelling experiment exhibition we can visit you at schools, festivals, youth centers, kindergartens, companies and elsewhere you desire. Some of experiments are adapted to persons with disabilities.
After we tried some of the most interesting experiments, we had a workshop about meteorology.
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Friday, 6 May 2016
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
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