Sunday, 29 May 2016

Clouds and extreme weather phenomena

            Project: Head in the Clouds
Implementation activities:  9. 5. - 13. 5. 2016
Age of pupils: 4 – 6 let

Mentor: Nuša Križnik



ü Talk about weather, clouds, extreme weather phenomena
ü Making weather calendar
ü See the extreme weather phenomena on youtube
ü Performed  measurements - 1. measurement

ü Called clouds, make table
ü Predict the weather, occupation meteorologist
ü Making weather puppets

üPlay weather fairytale
üObserving clouds

ü Play weather fairytale
ü  Observing clouds, naming clouds
ü  Painting clouds
ü Creative dance: imitation weather phenomenons (Four Seasons, A. Vivaldi)
ü Prepared exhibition 
ü  Performed  measurements - 2. Measurement


      1. Making weather calendar: pupils painted different weather situation on the cards    and they put the cards in the calendar every day.
1.     What we are gonna do? Pupils has decided, that they gonna make weather puppets and play weather story. They created the sun, the clouds, the rainbow, the rain, the tornado, the wind …
1.     Making poster about  extreme weather phenomena: pupils painting, what they know.

1.     Playing the story about weather

1.     Naming the clouds
6.Exhibition: clouds and extreme weather phenomena


1.    Which clouds do you know?
1.       Measurment: 1 (9.5.)
2.       Measurment: 4 (13.5.)

1.     Which extreme weather phenomena do you know?
1.       Measurment – 4 (9.5.)
2.       Measurment – 10 (13.5.)
The pupils liked to talk about weather, clouds and extreme weather phenomena. Pupils learned that we know differend clouds and that the clouds has names. The names ware very interesting to them.
When i asked them if they know the name of the clouds, they had know one. In the end of the week, they know four.
When i asked them if they know any extreme weather phenomena, they know tornado, hail, storm and flood. On the end of the week they know 10 e. w. phenomena (tornado, storm, flood, hail, sleet, lightning,avalanche, drought, earthquake, hurricane.

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