Primary school Nedelya Petkova, Sopot

Our school is placed in the centre of the town Sopot. The  school offers for students 3 areas -Traditional dancing, Art and IKT as additional subjects. All students study English. We start school from 8 am. Some students study up to 12,30, others remain in school until 5 pm – it’s the parents' choice. Throught the day students eat free. There are 12 primary classes. There are 305 students and 30 teachers. The age of the pupils goes from 6 to 11 years old. Most of the children who attend our school live in nearby  villages and come with school buses. The pupils come from different socioeconomics background, some of the families have good financial status. There are also families, where the parents have difficulties being unemployed or being single parent due to divorces. Generaly we have a good relationship between school and  parents.
There are also pupils with specific needs. They share the school time between their current classrooms, in their current level and a special classroom in which they receive specific attention, according to their difficulties.

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