Friday 29 December 2017

BULGARIAN ARTIST - Four seasons pictures

Bulgarian artist HRISTO TSOLEV was born on 5th April 1947 in Sopot. 
He was a teacher of Art and previous mayor of Sopot. 
This year he has an anniversary  - 70 years old.
His last exhibition contained 24 pictures of local landscapes and fountains. 
There were 10 woodcarvings with Zodiac signs too.

He was a spesial guest at school! Students from 2nd grade were very glad to see him!
 On the picture: Mr Hristo Tsolev and Mrs Bojkova - teacher from our school.

  Four seasons pictures

 On the next picture: The chapel "St. Nicholas" over the town of Sopot, 
which the artist Hristo Tzolev himself built and painting.

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